The Body Weight Workout

Bellevue Club personal trainer Melanie Baker put together a dynamic, full-body workout perfect for at-home sweat sessions.

01/06: Push-up with Side Rotation

Start in a plank position. Perform a push-up, keeping the core engaged. At the top of the push up, rotate to the edges of your feet raising one arm to the ceiling. Return to plank position, perform another push up and complete the same movement on the other side. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

02/06: Tricep Dip with Toe Touch

Tricep Dip with Toe TouchStart in a reverse tabletop position with straight arms. Only moving through the arms, dip down, touching your glutes to the ground. Return to the tabletop position, and then reach one arm to touch the toes of the opposing leg. Return to the starting position and complete the movement series on the other side. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

03/06: Squat with Sidekick

Place a resistance band around your legs, mid-calf. Driving through the heels, drop down into a squat. Return to standing and lift one leg out to the side. Return to standing and complete the movement on the other side. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

04/06: Bicycle with Band

Bicycle with BandPlace a resistance band around your legs, mid-thigh. Start on your back with your hands behind your head. Keeping the low belly grounded, twist touching one elbow to the knee of the opposing leg. Switch to the other side. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

05/06: Leg Lifts with Band

Place a resistance band around your legs, mid-calf. Raise one leg about six inches and then switch the other leg. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

06/06: Hip Thrusts

Hip Thrust with BandPlace a resistance band around your legs, mid-thigh. Start on your back with your knees bent and arms straight by your side. Driving through the heels, raise your hips up. At the top, butterfly your knees out to the side. Bring the knees back together and lower the hips. Repeat 10 to 12 times.

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Bellevue Club


  • M-F:
  • SA:
  • SU:
  • 5 A.M. – 11 P.M.
  • 6 A.M. – 11 P.M.
  • 6 A.M. – 9 P.M.
11200 Southeast Sixth Street,
Bellevue, WA 98004